Contact Evil Mad Scientist for more information. Hershey Advanced and AxiDraw Merge are commercial software packages, available at no cost to AxiDraw owners.

AxiDraw Merge offers that and support for mail merge operations. Hershey Advanced is an upgraded version of Hershey Text, and allows additional character variation options, suitable for printed handwriting style fonts. You can also download Hershey Text and its PDF user guide here. The current version (Hershey Text v 3.0) works with our single-line fonts and is included with the AxiDraw software. Hershey Text is an Inkscape extension for rendering text with single-line fonts. Inkscape is the most commonly used interface for driving the AxiDraw. Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and Xara X. Our fonts can be used with other pen plotters as well, although the exact process will depend on the software and work flows that you use. We have worked with Evil Mad Scientist, makers of the AxiDraw pen plotter, to provide an ideal handwriting font solution for use with the AxiDraw. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.To be able to use our single line handwriting fonts you will need suitable software. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. This entry was posted on April 22, 2010, 2:50 pm and is filed under LaTeX. The interface is a little tedious, but it works quite well (and it’s a lot less tedious then laying out the text by hand). Lately, I’ve been using the Tex Text plugin instead of using latex fonts with regular inkscape text. It’s an X-Windows program so you’ll have to install the Cygwin x-server, or, luckily, someone has ported it to MinGW (native Win32). The only (open-source) way I’ve found to convert type-1 font’s to OTF is through an ancient tool called Font-Forge.

There are some other font’s that you’ll find used by latex that aren’t in OTF or TTF format though.

The next time you run Inkscape, it will have these font’s available and you can use them in your pretty graphics. Simply download these fonts, and install them in windows (drag them to C:/Windows/Fonts). Fortunately you can get the fonts for “Computer Modern” (Knuth’s Font uses as the default in LaTeX) from the TeX archives in these formats.

Unfortunately, LaTex uses type1 postscript fonts, while Inkscape can only find font’s that windows has installed in the system, which includes true-type or open-type fonts. In order to get the math font’s to look like they do in LaTeX, though, you need to have the font’s installed where Inkscape can find them. Inkscape Figure for LaTeX Getting the Fonts